the brand storyseller for entrepreneurs.
the brand storyseller for entrepreneurs.
how startups become stories

The Plug & Play Kit

Exclusive word IP from an expert brand storyteller, this complete kit of go-to marketing essentials is broken down into easy-to-use, mix-and-match copy elements. The full package sets the tone for a solid gold brand voice for years to come.

deliverable #1

Brand Story Creative Brief

Get an evergreen full-scale backgrounder on your company story for insider eyes. Compiled from our brand story session, it covers: Your backstory / business origin story. Core products and services. Audience profile. Competitive landscape. Brand positioning. And more!


Use as a ready-to-go getting to know you tool for consultants, creatives, and team members.


Stop having to repeat your origin story and copy / paste your relevant details.

deliverable #2

Brand Manifesto

A brand manifesto goes beyond a nebulous mission statement and vague values to get to the heart (and guts) of the business at hand. And why it matters in the bigger sense of the word (and world). Think: “We are the crazy ones…” from the Think Different return of Steve Jobs to Apple. It’s a positioning statement with emotional verve that inspires, motivates, and ties your core audience (including customers and employees) to the soul of your brand.


This is cover page copy. For your website. Your brand guide. Your ad campaigns. Your employee welcome messaging.


Speak to your overarching business pursuits in an unforgettable way that resonates (with ripple effects).

deliverable #3

Brand Voice Guide

An unexpected gem, this quick guide gives you a brand authenticity gut check to keep your outlook and tone solid gold. This guide outlines your: Brand positioning. Brand archetype. Brand personality. Copy tone, plus dos + don’ts.


Get everyone who works on your business (especially any future copywriters) on the same page. Pair this with your brand look standards for a complete, at-a-glance brand guide.


This is the best way to gut check and evaluate all future copy and creative work to make sure it matches your goals and voice.

deliverable #4

Elevator Pitches (3 lengths)

Fill in the blanks for the “about me” lengths you need all the time. Like the short buzzy blurb for your socials, the medium message for sales sheets, and a comprehensive pitch for a leave-behind project proposal. Going up?


From a short blurb for the bottom of a press release to a longer paragraph for the back of a brochure, these elevator pitches go everywhere.


Elevator pitches take you places by giving you easy ways to communicate your core message and services to anyone you encounter (anywhere you might reach them).

deliverable #5

Your About Story

The story of your brand shapes more than you might think (from press potential to business prospects). I tell your origin story with maximum appeal in a way that seamlessly weaves in your key moments, core players, and brand personality. This is where you’ve been and where you’re going in story form.


Make this your “about” page on your website. Feature it in brochures. Use it in your media kit to get press on your story.


When people connect with your story, they remember and relate to you on a whole new level. Grounded in authenticity, this is the ultimate sales tool.

deliverable #6

Headlines & Taglines

Make a bold impact with 20+ headlines and tagline options that nail it, word-wise. A real juicy get, catchy headlines grab attention by getting straight to the point. Emphasize exactly what you’re aiming for in your business. Also includes Calls To Action.


Use for headlines, subheads, taglines, and calls-to-action on your website, advertisements, brochures, and anywhere else you need to draw the eye and draw people into your larger message.


People often skim first, then read in-depth later. Headlines are the ultimate way to make an immediate impact.

The Brand Storyseller Plug & Play Kit

$7,300 full kit | $4,900 pick three (creative brief included)

Fill in the blanks. Perfectly on brand. From here on out. When you have the magic words, the payoffs are endless.

the brand storyseller for enterprises.
the brand storyseller for enterprises.
how companies talk their walk

The VIP Experience

Say your brand has been around the block a few times—in a conceptual marketplace sense. The look of your brand often grabs all the flashy attention (and marketing budget), while the voice stays on mute. It's time to bring your brand voice up to the level—and really speak to your audience in an authentic way.

Elevate Your Voice Company-Wide

The customized VIP Experience often includes: A storyseller power session (or two) with your strategic power players. A "tad obsessed deep dive into every word ever out there about your brand" retrospective. A brand guide overhaul / add on with the comprehensive brand voice (finally) in mind. Fill-in-the-gaps hero copy to solidify your voice and stand out in the marketplace.

The Brand Storyseller VIP Experience

Custom Quote

Scratch the copy guesswork and stale language. Bring out a solid gold brand voice everyone (who's anyone in your business) can relate to.